
Inspire. Empower. Awaken Ideas.

What’s your WHY ? Everyone has one… a story, business, mission or purpose.

About Marianne

Marianne Banister, award-winning journalist, media expert, storyteller and nonprofit leader shares her captivating passion to ignite your success through her consulting services.

Dynamic and engaging, Marianne enlightens, inspires and speaks from the heart

Whether it’s offering a keynote or serving as moderator, Marianne’s warmth sprinkled with straight talk captivates and motivates audiences.


Media Training

Prepare. Empower. Protect.

Digital Presence & Communications

Connect. Lead. Embolden.

Presentation Training

Engage. Dazzle. Inspire.

Nonprofit Development & Communications

Impassion. Educate. Energize.

Visual Storytelling

Captivate. Engage. Motivate.

I’d love to help you share, promote and protect your “why”. Knowledge is power and I’m here to empower you to shine! Let’s chat!

– Marianne

Featured Resources

Featured Tip from Marianne

Start the clock! You have 10-20 seconds to capture your audience and make them care about your message. Consider your audience and why should they listen to you.

Have a Special Program in Mind?

Learn about Marianne’s customized presentations and services.

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